Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Crafting Crazy.

I think a screw in my crafting gear has gone loose. I feel like I must be making something every second of every day! It's awful!

But fun too I suppose :)


These are bath time dress up dolls I made for Emmie. When we visited Grandma & Papa they had some cute foam dress up dolls that Emmie I had to make her some! It cost my a total of $2.00 and about an hour and a half of my time. Not bad. She LOVES these- as plain as they are :)


This was just a quick fun crochet project I whipped up. I came across the pattern here.
Emmie would not stand still for me though to get a cute pic, nor would she let me fix her hair >.< Oh well.

Daddy and I made Emmie this yarn skirt. She loves dressing up and I couldn't justify buying her a cheap tulle tutu that would fall apart when I had materials at home to make her something that will make her just as happy. Once again, she won't stand still and pose lol

Em's new obsession is taking the couch cushions off and using them as slides.

Not much is new with us...just waiting for this semester to be over and for Ryann to join us!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Diapers, diapers diapers :)

Finally went and bought new needles for my sewing machine. I immediately got to work on this! It's a one size fitted diaper. The pattern was for a pocket fitted, I had made 3 of those before, but this time I wanted a closed fitted with lay in soakers. So I drew up my own pattern for the soakers and messed with the diaper pattern some to not only close up the back pocket, but to add back elastic. I figured if I'm going to use it as a one size on little Ryann when she gets here then back elastic would be a good idea for those poop explosions lol.

You'll probably see a lot more diaper posts since I'm pretty much addicted to sewing again :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

23 weeks

Here's a 23 week so many days photo

I think I've gained like 4 or 5lbs so far. Hoping to keep the numbers low this time...but we'll see. I gained like 40something pounds with Emmie. I'd like to keep this baby around the 25lb mark, but what happens, happens I suppose.

Not much new. Her movements are more subtle now. I think she flipped back head up, so her kicks are low and feel like a fishy swimming or toes digging into me more than kicks. Hope she flips back head down soon and I can feel some good kicks :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Been working on a bow holder for Ryann and Emmie's bathroom. Nearly finished. :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Newest Creation

Today I created the sleepy dinosaur lovie :)
I have a feeling this may be a popular pattern :P dinos are in lol


I've started selling my own crochet patterns on Etsy :)
I'm pretty excited about this. It's much easier to make a pattern, write it up and sell copies of it than have to crank out a bunch of hats or shoes or whatever. So hopefully my patterns take off and I can make a little money from them :)

Here is my latest creation

I'm pretty excited, I sold my first pattern this morning. It was the pattern for this Sleepy Owl Lovie in the picture above :)
Going to start working on patterns for other animals. On my list I have dino, monkey, giraffe, and bear...If you have any super creative animal ideas please tell me! What kind of animal would you like to cuddle with? lol

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pretty sure I have the cutest kid ever.

Not much is new. Sold the king bed, sold the crib....Emmie's bed is put together and in her room and she loves it, we love it. Just trying to get this house reorganized and ready for baby! Next step is to go through all of Emmie's old clothes and see what we have.

I also plan to turn one of our picture frames into a bow holder for the girls. If I ever get around to buying scrapbook paper/ribbon for it! It would look too cute in their bathroom.

So Mother's Day is coming up. This is the card Emmie made for Grandma

We can thank Pinterest for the idea. We were able to write a little note on the back of the hand too :)

and for giggles:

Monday, May 7, 2012

22 weeks

Almost forgot, I'm now 22 weeks 2 days pregnant [22w4d according the the drs]
And I'm starting to feel pregnant....

My belly is starting to get in the way. lol. I can't believe I still have 18ish more weeks left. I finally can't wear my regular shirts anymore. Sad day. lol

Ryann is moving A LOT. Her movements are pretty strong I think, you can often see her little kicks from the outside now. Little booger likes to make herself known.

Other than getting a belly, I've got lovely acid reflux. I had it with Emmie, I pretty much have to carry a bottle of antacid around with me. And my pelvic disorder is acting up more. It's going to be AWESOME [feel the sarcasm] when I'm in my 3rd trimester. It's already becoming somewhat difficult to do regular things...atleast I have an awesome husband who helps me out a ton and some good friends who are there is I need them :)

Not too much is going on. We're working on rearranging the bedroom to make more room for Ryann and her things. I'm pretty excited :) I think rearranging stuff- Fish hates it haha. But I figure we should get it done now before I'm pretty much incapable of doing anything :)

Whoo hoo :)

We found this changing table today at D.I. for $12!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Girls' New Bed!

We were trying to figure out what to do bed wise since we got another little one coming.
Emmie had been using our Queen bed since we got a Cali King, but I decided we need more space! The king has to go and we need to take our queen back, then find a new option for the girls.

We looked at everything and finally found this on craigslist!

It's perfect! The cheapest option we had found was getting a bunk bed and I wasn't sold on that idea since Emmie is only 2 [though she'll be 3-4 when Ryann moves to their room]. But this trundle is gonna be perfect for their little selves! The bedroom is quite small, so being able to have the trundle hidden will be nice.

Can't wait to get the mattresses and some bedding :)

"It's a TEMPLE, Leah"

Today we went to pick up Emmie & Ryann's new bed. My friend, Brittney, and her daughter, Leah [2], came to help me out since my SPD has been acting up.

On the way home, we passed the Rexburg temple. Emmie LOVES the temple and always talks about it. So, like normal, she shouts "It's the temple!"

and Leah shouts back "NO! It's a castle!" [Brittney said ever since a Dora episode about a castle Leah stopped calling it the temple and now insists it's a castle for princesses lol]

They fought for about 5 minutes back and forth over what it's called

"It's a temple, no castle Leah!"
"NO! It's  TEMPLE!!!"

haha. 2 year olds can be quite entertaining. I think Brittney got it on video, I'll see if I can get her to send it to me.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Oh know your child is addicted to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse when this happens.

Emmie's friend Leah was over playing and Leah brought Emmie a toy and said "Emmie, it's broken"
Emmie replies with "Oh, it's ok...OH TOOOOOOODLES!!!!!!!!!! TOODLES!!!!!!!!!!"


Bieber Fever- we got it.

My mom calls and asks what I'm doing
Me: listening to Bieber with Emmie
Emmie: I LOVE Bieber!!!
a few seconds later "Bieber's all gone mom!" [I had paused the music]
Me: Emmie, do you have the bieber fever?
Emmie: yes, I do. I promise.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Newest Crochet Addiction

I loved making this blanket! I'm in love with how colorful and bright it is!

Hoping it sells on etsy! We could use the money! haha

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I love having a 2 year old :)
She is so much fun

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