Monday, April 30, 2012

Ryann Lorraine

 Yay! Ryann is still 100% girl!
We had our anatomy scan today and it was so much fun to see our baby girl!
This ultrasound was so much better than our experience with Emmie. I don't remember the tech telling us as much as this tech did when we were pregnant with Emmie.

The tech showed us every little part and told us about each organ and what she was checking. Ryann looked perfect! As a mommy that is a big relief to hear :)
My original due date was Sept 8, but they have it in their records as Sept 6th and Ryann is measuring one day ahead of that [so 3 days ahead of my original date]. I'm keeping with Sept 8th, since I charted and know when I ovulated, so she's just growing well right now :)
The tech said the ultrasound machine guessed her to weigh 1 lb 1 oz right now and her heart rate was 154bpm :)


It's still surreal that we're having another little girl! [or another kid in general!] I am so excited to know she's for sure a girl now, I gotta get crocheting!! haha

Sunday, April 29, 2012


My good friend Amber did a photoshoot for me and Emmie and I couldn't be any more grateful than I am!!! She did such a great job! Here is a sneak peak at a few

And you can check out her Facebook page here Amber Catherine Photography

Last of our Trip

We are finally back home!
We had such a fun trip but I am so happy to be home! I missed my husband so much. I didn't think I missed my house..until we pulled up and I saw what spring had brought!!!!

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Look at my pretty tulips! This pic makes them look small but they're big! I can't wait for them all to grow. [ignore my husband IS mowing tomorrow lol] I decided I want to plant a few more of these around the house, they're too gorgeous NOT to!

I also came home to find my fluffy mail had come for Ryann! [Minus 2 more dark pink bumgeniuses that are in the mail and we still need to order some prefolds and snappis]

 These are all newborn dipes. They are ITTY BITTY. I mean, just look at the wipes. The wipes are the size of a diaper lol!

The evening before we left we surprised my husband's parents COMPLETELY by showing up where they were eating dinner. This is Emmie and her Papaw Fisher.

I was able to get some of the photos from that memory card the other computer wouldn't read. Here is Emmie in her princess outfit.

Annnd a fun video of Emmie dancing to Mickey mousekersize.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Emmie is obsessed with the piano! She's pretty good at keeping a rhythm too.

Shoes. She found a love for she is wearing size 8 or 9 heels -.- She was walking in these better than I can.

Watching Little Einsteins with Papa :)

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Emmie also loves Buddy the bird. Here she is singing "ABC's" to Buddy. 

21 Weeks

Ryann is now at 21 weeks gestation!
My belly is slowly moving up and and up. I'm starting to feel her kick higher now a days.
Boy is this kid active! I thought Emmie was active, but I'm starting to think Ryann is gonna give her some competition! Emmie was good to me and didn't kick when I went to bed [maybe one or two kicks then she'd stop], Ryann is opposite. She goes into full ninja mode when I lay down lol.

From BabyCenter: "Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now."

We have our anatomy scan on Monday. I can't wait to see Ryann again and see how much she has grown in 4 weeks!  Hopefully we can get some good pictures :)

Emmie is starting to talk more about Ryann. Mostly only in the mornings and if the conversation is initiated by someone else though. She gives her kisses in the morning and pats my belly and says "good morning Baby Ryann". I still think she's clueless [she's only 2 afterall :)] but we're taking her to the ultrasound on Monday, so hopefully after that and then as my belly grows it'll start making a little more sense in her head. lol.

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No new symptoms really. I am convinced Ryann is gonna give me a bunch of stretch marks though. She's growing so fast and my old stretch marks are starting to become more visible =/ Oh well! Not like I go bare belly anywhere lol!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Our Independent 2 Year Old

Emmie refused to let me help her get dressed this morning lol
I think she needs more practice

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She ALWAYS wears her sunglasses upside down. Cracks me up :)

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Park Playdate

We had a playdate today with Cierra and her kiddos.
My goodness are Madison and Ellie ADORABLE! They are just about the sweetest little girls ever! 

Emmie all ready to go meet them!

I think she is just about the prettiest thing ever :)

Meeting Madison for the first time

The 3 of them were too adorable. They wanted to hold hands to walk everywhere

Emmie loves this airplane at the park lol

So did Ellie :)

And Madison too! lol

Playing ring around the rosie :)

We all fall down!

Also caught a video of them playing ring around the rosie :)

hugs goodbye


I can't wait til our next trip. We're definitely gonna have another playdate. There'll be 5 little girls instead of 3 next time! How crazy! :)

I did take a pic of Cierra and I...but it came out soooo blurry! haha not worth posting 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Princess Emmie

Em is obsessed with the dress up princess dresses grandma has at her house. She makes quite a cute princess, if I do say so myself :)

Anyways, we went outside to collect leaves and sticks to pass time. I'm sad my camera doesn't do well AT ALL with action shots- so taking pictures of a 2 year old is nearly impossible.

Collecting leaves lol

This dress is WAY too big for her. lol it's like a size 6 in little girls lol.

Gluing her leaves to a paper, just because. haha

yay for ugly art that goes straight in the trash :)

But hey, grandma asked her if she had fun today and she replied "yes, I put leaves in a cuppet [bucket]" lol. Mommy knows how to make Emmie's day haha. This kid loves leaves >.<

If You're Happy and You Know It

Today in the car, Emmie was singing and she made me laugh so hard by her cuteness!
She was singing "If You're Happy and You Know It" and went through clap your hands, stomp your feet and shout hooray. After hooray she goes "um...what's next" while tapping her chin. She then comes up with touch your nose. She is just so adorable :) I'm glad I was able to get it on video.

Ohhh Emmie

It's amazing the new things Emmie is saying each day.

Today's new ones are 
"Mommy, where are you going?"
this morning she came to give me a hug and I lightly patted her side and she said
"No Mommy! That tickles me!"

I can't believe how much she is talking! 5 word sentences are a normal thing now. It's crazy.

Also this morning my dad made bacon for breakfast. I told Emmie that she's eating a piggie, it's called bacon and it's made from pigs. She looked at it, took a bite and said "mmm a cookie", I said no it's a pig, it's bacon. She now calls bacon "pig cookies" -.- lol

Edited to add:
Ha, today in the car, my brother, Sean, was holding Emmie's knee and Emmie tells him "No Sean, that hurts me. Stop."

She seriously amazes me at how much she is saying just within the past week. It's like something in her brain made a connection and suddenly she's picking up new words and phrases left and right!

Monday, April 23, 2012

6 days :)

I miss my hubby!!!

I get to see him in 6 more days! I can't wait! :D
These past 2 weeks or so have gone by so quickly, but it still feels like it's been forever since I've seen him!

I am so proud of him! He's come a long way as a student. He is working so hard to make sure he is going to understand his classes and get A's. Every time I call him he's at school or studying, I love how determined he is. I am so grateful he has found a major he loves and I think it has made a world of difference in his attitude towards school. He loves what he's studying. I am so very excited to see him learn. I love when he tries to tell me what he's learning- most the time it goes right over my head and it's like he's speaking another language, but it's good to know he enjoys what he's doing. 

Anyways, I know he's been reading this blog daily to keep up with me and Alex, I just wanted to tell you I love you and that we miss you. I'm proud of everything you're doing. You are an amazing husband and such a good daddy. I can't wait to hug you in a few days!!! :) Love you. 

Monkey Joes

This morning we met up with my friend Amber and her husband, Clay, and their kiddos at Monkey Joes.
I feel bad I didn't take that many pics, I was having a good time catching up with Amber and the kids were all over the place.

These are the only pics I got. haha.

Emmies first time at Monkey Joes! I wish we had one of these!

Faith & Emmie. The only pic I got of Emmie with one of Amber's cute kids. Faith was too fast for me to get a good pic. She was having a blast climbing and running.


I REALLY wish we had one of these back home. Emmie loved it!

I'm sad I didn't get any pics of Emmie with Clayton, but he was tired and chilling with daddy most the time.
Amber and I are suppose to get together Saturday, so hopefully we can get a picture of the two of us :)